Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where Has October Gone?

I can't believe that it's almost November. It feels like October has just flown by, and I'm sure that I will end up feeling the same way about November. I have been really busy, and it doesn't help that I have had things to do on the weekends for the past few weeks. I'd really just like a weekend where I didn't have a ton of work and my friends and I could just go to DC or something and just hang out. But the next few weekends are going to be fun nonetheless! This coming weekend is Halloween, which I am excited about, and I also have a horse show at William and Mary's on Sunday, which means we have to leave on Saturday and stay overnight. The weekend after that a few of my friends and I who are in the gymnastics club are going with the club to cheer them on at their first meet at Virginia Tech. Both of these trips are going to be really fun, and I am looking forward to seeing the VT campus because I have never been there before. Also, this horseshow will be the first one I have competed in in college, so I am excited and a little nervous to see how that goes.

Speaking of horses, this past weekend was a sad one down at the campus barn. On Sunday morning they had to put one of thier horses, Nordic, down because they found out that he had broken his leg. Initially they thought it was just a cut, but it ended up being a hairline fracture that he damaged more when he went to stand up during the night. It's so horrible when horses break thier legs because there is really nothing you can do to save them. There are some procedures but they are extremely expensive and don't guarantee anything...it would basically be just to save it's life because you probably couldn't really ride them ever again. Putting a horse down is such a hard descision to make, and my heart goes out to all of the people who were really close to him and had to make that decision on Sunday.

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