Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend turned out to be really fun. My parents came down on Friday for family weekend. They got down here in the late afternoon since they had to drive all the way down from CT, which is at least 5 hours. That gave me time to get some work done before they got here. So after my parents checked into their hotel, they came to campus and dropped off all of the things that I asked them to bring from home, like some winter clothes and food. I got the weirdest gift of all from my Grandma (which i guess I should have expected) - a box of Halloween candy, mandarin oranges and a giant pack of pringles. I'm not sure what possessed her to pick up that combo at the grocery store, but my roommate and I will definitely eat them! On Friday night, my parents took me and 3 of my friends out for dinner to this Greek restaurant in Silver Spring. The food was really good, and I was excited to eat some real seafood for a change! After dinner my parents took us to Coldstone, and then dropped us back off at the dorm. Saturday morning my mom and dad picked me up around 9:30 and we got breakfast at the College Park Diner. Real eggs were a welcome change. We then drove to the tack shop with my roommate and her mom and we both got new boots and show jackets and shirts. It was quite exciting. Saturday afternoon we took the metro into D.C. and saw the Washington Monument and the White House - I had never been down there before so that was a cool experience. Saturday night I stayed with my parents in their hotel, and Sunday morning they brought me back to campus to watch me ride at the farm. We then got tons of Maryland gear from the Book Exchange and went to Potbelly's for lunch - the sandwiches there are really good! Before my parents left, I showed them Comcast and the Rec Center. It was really good to see them and show them my life down here, but I'm sad my sister couldn't come down to visit. I just found out that she's coming down when my Dad comes to pick me up for winter break, so I'll get to show her around then. She's a freshman but she made the varsity field hockey team, so I hear she's been super busy lately. Hopefully things will calm down for her soon! I definitely miss my family and am excited to go home for Thanksgiving, but I am having an amazing time here too!

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