Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the time's flying by...

So it's hard to believe that we have already been in school for a month. Everyone has exams coming up either this week or next week - I can't believe we have actually been in classes long enough to be able to have an exam. Tomorrow is the first day of October - can you believe it? When my parents dropped me off that last week in August, it seemed as though the weekend that I would see them again was so far away. Now that weekend is almost here, and it's kind of scary to think how fast the time has gone by.
I have talked to one of my friends from home who is in college up in Massachusetts, and she just hasn't been happy at all. She is having issues with her roomate and hasn't really found those few people who she can hang out with all the time. I feel so lucky to have met so many great people who I get along with and can share some crazy times with, and I know that this year is going to be great!

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