Sunday, September 21, 2008

Roomate Issues...

So we have been in college for a little less than a month now, and I can honestly say that the only issues that my roomate and I have are that she hates the airconditioner to be set at an uneven number. We have actually been getting along really well, and we have the same group of friends. Many people that I have talked to are getting along with their roomates, but haven't become really good friends. We have so many things in common, so I think that allowed us to get along so well. We have the same major, we both ride horses, we listen to the same music, and we both have the same sense of humor. I am so happy that I was placed with a roomate who I know I will be friends with in the future. We have to complete these roomate agreements, and we were laughing looking over the different catagories because we really don't know what to put in it. Anyway, I just feel lucky to have an awesome roomate!

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